Retrospective sessions often seem like an endpoint in itself. But when they’re not followed up by action, the momentum is lost, and ultimately, the effort wasted.
How to resuscitate your agile retrospectives
Here’s the scenario: you’ve finished a huge sprint. The whole team has pushed hard to get it done. Catching up to talk about the past couple of weeks — is the last thing you want to do. But don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
Barriers to corporate innovation and how you can overcome them
Failing to innovate results in businesses dying. Find out the barriers that can impede innovation in the corporate context & how to overcome them.
Tips from startup titans for innovating within your business
Technological innovation alone won’t help you avoid disruption. It’s the ability to navigate the resulting changes in your business model that’s most important.
Five ways to build a collaborative culture in your organisation
We need collaboration to innovate. The sharing of ideas leads to more new ideas forming. The question is, how do you move from just talking about it, to taking action that gets results?
You either agree on creating business value, or you compete
Businesses are focused on using agile to deliver ‘valuable work’. But unless teams have a shared understanding of how value is measured – delivering real value may be missed in the process.
Leading and living a ‘human-first’ culture
Human-first cultures are more than just about meeting a sense of job satisfaction and offering flexibility between work and personal life.
What your business can learn from the Spotify model
Many organisations aspire to become the next disruptor in their market – and following its public listing on the New York Stock Exchange earlier this year, Swedish…
Agile is the answer to transformation: but that won’t mean transformation will be simple
Agile comes with big expectations. Let’s look at why we shouldn’t expect transformation to be less complex, simply because we choose to be agile.
Balancing risk and opportunity at MLC Life Insurance
MLC Life Insurance knows a thing or two about the need for a slow, measured approach, which makes the introduction of agile ways of working into its business intelligence division even more remarkable.
Amazon’s shift from presentation culture to memo culture
When you look for innovators in the modern business world, you look to Amazon. The company has made innovation its goal in everything that it…
So what does a product owner actually do?
Does this scenario sound familiar? A new development team comes together to build the latest feature which is suddenly priority number #1. Grand visions are presented,…